Trichechus sp.
Eastern American coasts
Western African coasts
Commercial and industrial areas
Shipping lanes
Fishing and harvesting aquatic resources
Tourism and recreational activities
Dams and water management/use
Domestic and urban waste water
Agricultural and forestry effluents
Habitat shifting and alteration
Temperature extremes
Storms and flooding
Housing and urban areas
Commercial and industrial areas
Annual and perennial non-timber crops
Marine and freshwater aquaculture
Oil and gas drilling
Utility and service lines
Logging and wood harvesting
War, civil unrest and military exercises
Work and other activities
Industrial and military effluents
Garbage and solid waste
Excess energy
Habitat shifting and alteration
Livestock farming and ranching
Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases
Traditional medicine
U.I.C.N. :
Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) : V.U. - Vulnerable
Trichechus pygmaeus : possible subspecies of Trichechus inunguis : without I.U.C.N. status
West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) : V.U. - Vulnerable
Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) : E.N. - Endangered
Greater Caribbean Manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) : E.N. - Endangered
African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) : V.U. - Vulnerable
C.I.T.E.S :
Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) : Appendix I (01/07/1975)
West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) : Appendix I (01/07/1975)
African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) : Appendix I (12/06/2023)
EU Wildlife Trade Regulations : Annex A (20/05/2023)
African Convention of Nature and Natural Resources : Class A (16/06/1969)
African Union :
AFRICAN CONVENTION ON THE CONSERVATION OF NATURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES (Date of Adoption: 15/09/1968, Date of last signature: 24/01/2013, Date entry into force: 16/06/1969)
Trichechus senegalensis - West African manatee : Class A
AFRICAN CONVENTION ON THE CONSERVATION OF NATURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES (Maputo, Mozambique - 11/07/2003, Entered into force on 23/07/2016)
The Parties shall:
a) regulate the domestic trade in, as well as the transport and possession of specimens and products to ensure that such specimens and products have been taken or obtained in conformity with domestic law and international obligations related to trade in species
b) in the measures referred to under a) above, provide for appropriate penal sanctions, including confiscation measures.
The Parties shall, where appropriate, cooperate through bilateral or sub-regional agreements with a view to reducing and ultimately eliminating illegal trade in wild fauna and flora or their specimens or products
European Union :
REGULATIONS COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2023/966 of 15 May 2023 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97 to reflect the amendments adopted at the 19th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora : Annex A.
Grenada :
NOTIFICATION TO THE PARTIES - No. 2016/022 (16/03/2016)
Recommendation to suspend trade for non-submission of annual reports. Suspension of the trade of all CITES-listed species.
Guinea :
Recommendation to maintain the suspension of trade for commercial purposes with Guinea in specimens of all CITES-listed species and other recommendations
Liberia :
Maintenance of a recommendation to suspend trade of all CITES-listed species.
Panama :
NOTIFICATION TO THE PARTIES - No. 2023/057 (05/05/2023)
Suspension of the issuance of export permits for wild-harvested specimens. The issuance of export permits for all wildlife specimens harvested from the wild for commercial purposes has been suspended.
United States :
Marine Mammal Protection Act (10/1972) and the Endangered Species Act (1973) :
Federal laws, penalties for breaking these federal laws could include a year in prison and a fine up to $20,000. These laws prohibit hunting, capturing, killing, or harassing these animals.
The Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 As Amended as amended through 2018 (Revised 03/2019) :
16 U.S.C. 1375a Sec. : Hereafter, all fines collected by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service for violations of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 1362-1407) and implementing regulations shall be available to the Secretary, without further appropriation, to be used for the expenses of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service in administering activities for the protection and recovery of manatees, polar bears, sea otters, and walruses, and shall remain available until expended.
the export and subsequent import are consistent with the provisions of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and other international agreements and conventions; and the export and subsequent import are not likely to contribute to illegal trade in bear parts.
ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT OF 1973 As Amended through the 108th Congress - Department of the Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. 20240 (1973) :
if an endangered species or threatened species of a marine mammal is involved, the taking is authorized pursuant to section 101(a)(5) of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972
The term “scrimshaw product” means any art form which involves the substantial etching or engraving of designs upon, or the substantial carving of figures, patterns, or designs from, any bone or tooth of any marine mammal of the order Cetacea. For purposes of this subsection, polishing or the adding of minor superficial markings does not constitute substantial etching, engraving, or carving.
MARINE MAMMAL PROTECTION ACT OF 1972 SEC. 17. Except as otherwise provided in this Act, no provision of this Act shall take precedence over any more restrictive conflicting provision of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972.
Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act (1978) :
State legislation that allows the establishment of manatee sanctuaries in Florida.
Did you find a manatee in need (sick, injured, harassed or orphaned) ?
Call the FWC's Wildlife Alert Toll-Free Number :
1-888-404-FWCC (1-888-404-3922)
Please be prepared to answer the following questions:
What is the exact location of the animal?
Is the manatee alive or dead?
Is the manatee tagged?
How long have you been observing the manatee?
What is the approximate size of the manatee?
What is the location of the public boat ramp closest to the manatee?
Can you provide a contact number where you can be reached for further information?
The above information is the most important you can provide; however, any additional information will be helpful.
How to Help a Stranded Manatee
Do not touch or feed the manatee.
Observe from a safe distance and keep other people away.
Note the manatee's condition. Does it appear weak, skinny, have open wounds?
Look for any obvious identification - tag or markings.
Determine the manatee's exact location for accurate reporting.
Report the manatee using the above information.
More information :
United States
Manatee Rescue & Rehabilitation Partnership
Website : Manatee Rescue & Rehabilitation Partnership
Manatee Rescue & Rehabilitation Partnership
References :
Trichechus inunguis (Amazonian Manatee)
Trichechus manatus (West Indian Manatee)
Trichechus manatus ssp. latirostris (Florida Manatee)
Trichechus manatus ssp. manatus (Greater Caribbean Manatee)
Trichechus senegalensis (African Manatee)
Notification to the Parties No. 2017/
Notification to the Parties 2023
Notification to the Parties No. 2016/022
The MMPA of 1972 as amended through 2018
Endangered Species Act of 1973, As Amended through the 108th Congress
All About Manatees - Conservation & Research | United Parks & Resorts
Manatee Rescue & Rehabilitation Partnership
Manatee Facts | Save the Manatee Club
Miranda, T.L. 2014. Ocorrência de peixe-boi Trichechus spp (Mammalia, Sirenia) a partir do conhecimento ecológico local dos pescadores de Belém e região insular, estuário amazônico. Undergraduate thesis. Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, Brazil. 51 pp