Know better, save better
Here you will find the identification sheets needed to determine if the species listed on the offer you found is indeed an endangered species. If this is the case (IUCN from VU to EW, or even EX and CITES Appendix I), copy the offer link or take a screenshot before sending it to the corresponding expert (see below the sheets).
Mammalia - Bovidae
(Alcelaphus buselaphus)
Sahel, East Africa, South Africa IUCN: L.C. - not threatened C.I.T.E.S.: not reported
Did you know? There are 8 subspecies, including one living in North Africa and the Near East, extinct in 1925. Some scientists believe that some of them are separate species.
Mammalia - Primate
Sunda slow loris
(Nycticebus cougang)
Southeast Asia
CITES: Appendix I
Did you know? Many people want it as a pet because of the videos on the Internet, but it secretes a toxic substance that has already caused medical complications.
Mammalia - Chiroptera
Insectivore/ Frugivore/ Piscivore/ Hematophage according to taxa
Worldwide except at the Poles I.U.C.N.: according to species C.I.T.E.S.: often not reported
Did you know? Many species of bats are threatened, in particular, tropical bats (e.g. Otomops formosus), for sale on the Internet. Some scientists have sounded the alarm to stem this scourge.
Mammalia - Equidae
(Equus zebra, E. quagga, E. grevyi)
Eastern and Southern Africa
I.U.C.N. :
E. zebra : V.U. - VULNERABLE
E. quagga : N.T. - Near-threatened
E. grevyi : E.N. - ENDANGERED
C.I.T.E.S. :
E. zebra : Appendix II
E. quagga : not reported
E. grevyi : Appendix I
Did you know? Each stripe pattern is unique.
Reptiles - Chelonia
Green sea turtle
(Chelonia mydas)
Carnivore (until juvenile stage and occasionally)/ Herbivore (adult) Oceans (except Poles)
I.U.C.N.: EN - ENDANGERED C.I.T.E.S.: Appendix I
Did you know? They lay their eggs on the beaches where they were born.
Fish - Chondrichthyes
Dusky shark
(Carcharhinus obscurus)
Carnivore/Piscivore/Scavenger Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans I.U.C.N.: EN - ENDANGERED C.I.T.E.S.: not reported
Did you know? It can be confused with the bull shark and has large green-yellow eyes.
Pineapple sea cucumber
(Thelenota ananas)
Filter feeder
Indian and Pacific Oceans, Southeast Asia, Red Sea IUCN: EN - ENDANGERED
CITES: Appendix II
Did you know? This species is eaten, especially in Southeast Asia, where it is called "trepang" or "prickly redfish". 6 other species are threatened with extinction and many look like droppings.
Arthropoda - Insecta
Wallace's giant bee
(Megachile pluto)
Phytophagous (tree resin) Indonesia
I.U.C.N.: VU - VULNERABLE C.I.T.E.S.: not reported
Did you know? It was rediscovered by a sale on the Internet. This bee is at the origin of the OURANOS program.
Photograph :
Naturalis Biodiversity Center —
Megachile pluto (adult, frontal view) : Preserved specimen number RMNH.INS.108875 from Naturalis Biodiversity Center - Zoology and Geology catalogues (nl) collected in North-West Obi Moluccas on 1953-10-19 by Wegner, A.
File:Megachile pluto - frontal view - Naturalis Biodiversity Center (1953).jpg
Date de création : 16 mars 2018